I am committed to serving you

What people are saying about Amy!

Amy is a city council member that I can trust will study and understand the complicated situations the city is faced with and be prepared to support the best decision for Farmington.

– Brett Anderson, Mayor of Farmington

Amy is a true grassroots advocate committed to working hard for Farmington. It was a pleasure working with her on pedestrian access over Park Lane.

– J. Stuart Adams, Utah Senate President

Amy is reliable person who we can count on to make important decisions for Farmington.

– Randy Elliott, Davis County Commissioner and Farmington Resident

About Amy

I love my family.  This is where it all started!  They were all very little 10 years ago when I started pushing for pedestrian access over Park Lane. We’ve always wanted to have a leisurely walk/ride over to Station Park; less than a mile away.  So, I started with my neighbors and community by collecting signatures.  I presented the need to the city, Davis County, UDOT, WFRC, and the legislature.  I kept the goal in the public’s eye by helping my boys sell 1,000 loaves of homemade bread and donating $1 per loaf to the project. There were a few local business who matched those funds. The key to my success has been patience and persistence. It is now funded and we will see construction in 2024!  I knew at the beginning I wasn’t only doing this for my boys but for all residents of Farmington!  I want to continue to help improve Farmington.  I would love to have your vote!

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